Blog Descrip

I am NAS. NAS is my initials. Upside down, that spells 'SVN'. Who better to learn about the Sun from, right?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

To all my readers...

I have gained 12 more views since my last post... in accordance to this... if I reach 130 views I will continue with this site... since I am making this claim... I will add a section on blog views. I am sorry I do not have the time or money to invest in a real website... but remember my promise. This site, in accordance with this post, will include a view list. After 130 views, my site will continue!

Thank you for making my site valid! I am a smart guy... and will continue to teach you what I have to teach you!

Update: My viewers so far:
 US:  40
Russia:  32
Ukraine:  12
Germany:  4
Malaysia:   4
United Kingdom:  2

Show me that you wish for me to teach you more! 130 is what I ask from you! You can see my page views at the right of my site at the bottom.