When ever people piss me off, I just remember what I saw the other night. Aliens. I have freaking aliens. What can you are your daddy... or your government do to me? Nothing, that's what. I can even admit to trafficking and making alliances with aliens, and who can charge me with it? Who can prove it? Nobody can, it is the most awesome crime ever. Who will ever catch me for using the Sun and extra-terrestrials to get what I want, and then leave all the others behind who expect me to help them? No one can catch me, no one can stop me. That is why they are so mad. That is why they claim me to be evil and bad, but then read my website and my Facebook. Stalk me. They think that I'll 'come around', and say, "well, maybe I should help you silly little fucks after all, right?"
Yeah right ha ha. I'll hold a grudge as long as I want you bottom dwellers. I have the Sun god, I have extra-terrestrials. Beings form outer space you chimps! Now get over here and suck my dick red, because that is all you have left, and you know it. If you are reading this and I have/do work with you, and/or know you in any way, you seriously already know this. It is a given. Will sucking my dick all night really get me to help you even? Is that enough? You know the truth, you know what you would have to do to apologize for your stupidity and insubordination. I saw the Greys just the other night! We make deals! They are the only ones that can get your off this planet before it goes boom! And yet you continue to attack me? Hilarious.
What will you do to me? What will you do to the Sun? What will you do to fucking aliens for crying out loud? What can anybody on the planet do to stop me? Throw some insults my way like a give a shit? Make my work life difficult? I still have a job you idiots, and I'll have one and a home until that faithful day in December... you know... the day in which your life expectancy runs up its tab... the day in which I win fully.
This blog is just a free cure for boredom. It doesn't matter what I write or don't write. Same shit will happen either way. I already obtained the Sun, and it promises to kill all my enemies. Who are they? Yeah, you know who you are. And if I don't know, it will know. Ever heard of a public execution? You will see one.
You already can tell... I'm not helping you. All people being saved will be chosen by the Sun and the Aliens. Don't fuck with me, or we'll kill you. Or worse, keep you. There IS work and experiments to be done you know... I'm sure we can put you to work. I have a whole group of restaurant people that will be facing these choices very soon. Death? Or lifelong servitude. I guess we'll be a little nice and let you choose, huh?
Sleep tight. Oh yeah, you don't. You spend every night harassing me so maybe I'll help you. Good idea rodents.