Blog Descrip

I am NAS. NAS is my initials. Upside down, that spells 'SVN'. Who better to learn about the Sun from, right?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

To all my readers...

I have gained 12 more views since my last post... in accordance to this... if I reach 130 views I will continue with this site... since I am making this claim... I will add a section on blog views. I am sorry I do not have the time or money to invest in a real website... but remember my promise. This site, in accordance with this post, will include a view list. After 130 views, my site will continue!

Thank you for making my site valid! I am a smart guy... and will continue to teach you what I have to teach you!

Update: My viewers so far:
 US:  40
Russia:  32
Ukraine:  12
Germany:  4
Malaysia:   4
United Kingdom:  2

Show me that you wish for me to teach you more! 130 is what I ask from you! You can see my page views at the right of my site at the bottom.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Sorry... but this will be final post... and it is also a message to the U.S. government...

To all of you who have read my site, I apologize for not writing more, but I'm having some problems.

As you may know, the planet Venus made its transit through the visual path of the Sun and the Earth, which is an occurance of the final stages leading up to End-times.

This will be the last post on this site.

Going along with this, one of my worst fears became a reality a few days ago. Me and my brother were sitting on the front porch having a few drinks when we noticed that some door-to-door salesmen where acting quite suspicious. Since the aliens have been showing up on numorous occasions on a few nights prior to this happening, it was concluded to the obvious: the U.S. government has found out, I am thinking due to radar intelligence. Stupid me, I tried to confront the fake salesmen before they were quickly scooped up by a marked van that bared the marks of their false company. My brother, whom knows nothing about this, agreed that the conflict was, and I quote in his words, "shady". Since he had not known what was going on, I told him that it was the U.S. government now spying on me due to the fact that they had probably gained intelligence on my interactions with Extra-terrestrials. He wasn't too sure about it, but he admitted that the behavior of these people was, in fact, not normal.

They have not been back in a few days, but I know they are plotting their next move. I also find it to be a possibility that this site may have been tracked from its launch. So, first I'd like to say I'm sorry to my readers who have enjoyed my Sun-ology.

And as for the U.S. government...

Do NOT think that that is the first time you will ever run from us. Yes, you know what I have. It is clear now, and I am here to tell you that there is a reason they did NOT come to YOU. WE are NOT at peace with you. We are at WAR. You will not win this war. You can spy all you want, you will never gain sufficient intelligence, and you will never cover the distance between us that I have already beaten down.

Me and the Greys... are NOT at peace with you. We are at war. You will not win.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Except for the fact that I have aliens... right?

When ever people piss me off, I just remember what I saw the other night. Aliens. I have freaking aliens. What can you are your daddy... or your government do to me? Nothing, that's what. I can even admit to trafficking and making alliances with aliens, and who can charge me with it? Who can prove it? Nobody can, it is the most awesome crime ever. Who will ever catch me for using the Sun and extra-terrestrials to get what I want, and then leave all the others behind who expect me to help them? No one can catch me, no one can stop me. That is why they are so mad. That is why they claim me to be evil and bad, but then read my website and my Facebook. Stalk me. They think that I'll 'come around', and say, "well, maybe I should help you silly little fucks after all, right?"

Yeah right ha ha. I'll hold a grudge as long as I want you bottom dwellers. I have the Sun god, I have extra-terrestrials. Beings form outer space you chimps! Now get over here and suck my dick red, because that is all you have left, and you know it. If you are reading this and I have/do work with you, and/or know you in any way, you seriously already know this. It is a given. Will sucking my dick all night really get me to help you even? Is that enough? You know the truth, you know what you would have to do to apologize for your stupidity and insubordination. I saw the Greys just the other night! We make deals! They are the only ones that can get your off this planet before it goes boom! And yet you continue to attack me? Hilarious.

What will you do to me? What will you do to the Sun? What will you do to fucking aliens for crying out loud? What can anybody on the planet do to stop me? Throw some insults my way like a give a shit? Make my work life difficult? I still have a job you idiots, and I'll have one and a home until that faithful day in December... you know... the day in which your life expectancy runs up its tab... the day in which I win fully.

This blog is just a free cure for boredom. It doesn't matter what I write or don't write. Same shit will happen either way. I already obtained the Sun, and it promises to kill all my enemies. Who are they? Yeah, you know who you are. And if I don't know, it will know. Ever heard of a public execution? You will see one.

You already can tell... I'm not helping you. All people being saved will be chosen by the Sun and the Aliens. Don't fuck with me, or we'll kill you. Or worse, keep you. There IS work and experiments to be done you know... I'm sure we can put you to work. I have a whole group of restaurant people that will be facing these choices very soon. Death? Or lifelong servitude. I guess we'll be a little nice and let you choose, huh?

Sleep tight. Oh yeah, you don't. You spend every night harassing me so maybe I'll help you. Good idea rodents.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A new Zeitgeist!

For those of you interested in the Sun or claim to know about it, if you haven't seen the movie Zeitgeist, please kindly pull your head from out your ass. It is free, as it should be, and can be viewed for free easily online, as you will see below.

There are now currently 3 movies to the Zeitgeist trilogy. The second two are mainly about the failing economy and its faultiness from its creation. The first one though is all about how religion is a false story, based on astrological events in relation to the Sun and its movements in the sky. I'm not the only one who is a "crazy Sun person". Let's see what other "crazy Sun people" have come up with, shall we?

"They must find it difficult... those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority." (This was quoted in the movie, interestingly enough by a person referenced as 'G. Massey, an Egyptologist. If you like my site, need I say more?)
**Zeitgeist debunking: If you mange your way past the first part of the movie, you'll eventually get to a section when they talk about a New York bank called "Union Banking Co." of New York City funding Hitler's rise to power. They go on to explain that this is one of the many ways that the banking cartels of America funded Hitler's rise to power. However, what they fail to say is the fact that a few years into the beginning of Hitler's rise to power, the world had no idea of what he was doing within his borders, as he had already began exterminating Jews out of the watchful eye of the world. This truth can be cited to an event known officially as the Games of the XI Olympiad, more simply known as the 1936 Summer Games, or 1936 Summer Olympics, held in Berlin. This was Adolf Hitler's chance to win over the world with his form of deceptive propaganda, halting and concealing all forms of Nazi immoral behaviors and acts. This event took place in 1936, while Hitler's 'rise to power' took place during the years of 1931 to 1933... and in 1933, the first concentration camps had been built, meaning that the Nazis had already begun the Holocaust about 3 years prior to this event, the event that won over the admiration of the world toward Nazi power. Just to make sure I was accurate, I double checked through web surfing before posting this. Look it up. In conclusion, the fact that an American bank held Nazi wealth during their rise to power does not mean that it was a scheme of the banking cartels to make money off of a war, as the movie says, based on the fact that no one knew at this point what the Nazis HAD done or where GOING to do, so they where not viewed as evil.
I'm not saying the Bush family isn't completely evil, just saying that Zeitgeist might have exaggerated on this claim a bit. Just had to do a little bit of my own 'Zeitgeisting', haha. That could have come straight from the narrator of that movie's mouth.

The fourth movie is set to be released winter of 2012/2013. The second and third movies are not about religion, but from the trailer of this new one it seems as though they are going to bring some Sun back into the mix...
Zeitgeist: Beyond the Pale (Pre-Trailer) 

Monday, May 7, 2012

I should have kept my mouth shut.

So yesterday while at a meeting for work, I started to make a realization. This realization had been made before, but not so much as it was made last night.

Everyone was given a cut-proof glove as their own, and we were instructed to write our names on it. There is a second person with the same first name as me, and I could have written my first name then last initial instead, but I chose to write my initials 'NAS'. As I sat in a room full of strangers who knew so much about me, due to the fact that they claim me to be a 'creeper' and a 'stalker', because I had tried to tell someone about this previously and it didn't go so well, I realized how naive I had tried to be like the rest of them.

First off, lets rewind again back to four years ago...

I should have never told those people anything to begin with, as to begin with, they treated me poorly anyway. I thought maybe it could bring us closer together, but I was wrong of course, as I can see from results. Since then, I have absolutely no job security. Every time I get a new job, these people make it THEIR jobs to make sure that I don't have an easy time. And rightfully so... as accumulating the Sun God is of course a vile act of mankind. I guess according to those people.

So, four years later, I'm stuck in a meeting in a room full of strangers whom I know nothing about and care nothing about. Ironically, I get pinned as some psychotic 'stalker', despite the fact that I can't sleep with both my eyes closed because of this entire group of people that call themselves 'the loop'. This 'loop' is the accumulation of pesky and unwanted family members, coworkers, and ex-friends. Strangely, these people who find it right to harass me, are also people whom I've tried to nix in life, and their main goal is to pay me some kind of revenge for the past. Somehow, they have the time in their lives to orchestrate this, and though I don't do much besides work, I can't find the time to do anything like the things they are able to accomplish in their time. They constantly think they are 'spying' me and 'getting' me, and they are, but not because I'm not watching my back, but because I just don't really care. Only time I care is when I can't just continue on with life like when I have to deal with this at my job. Is it because I am really crazy, or is it because they know by now that I have the Sun, and I'm not ready to just hand over something I worked for to people who act creepy and childish. For the record, I'll never tell these people anything, and I believe they know this by now. That is my best reasoning for the situation, as I can't find any other logical reason to spend time in your own life trying to ruin someone else's, besides the fact that they may need either a hobby or a shrink.

And now there I was... sitting in my work meeting, looking down at my glove with my initials on it. I didn't want to do it again, I already knew what it said, but I did it anyway. I rotated my glove around and saw it...
There it was again, in case I had forgotten, which I had tried to many times. I realized again that that was why it was there. It was as if it was telling me, "don't you dare forget NAS... don't you even dare forget what you are." I have tried to, but it did a good job. If it wasn't for the maniacs in my life riding me every damn day, if it wasn't for the contacts spying on me almost every damn night, and if it wasn't for my initials, maybe I could. But it is obvious that I can't. And now, even since I've been completely sober for a matter of months, from marijuana and even alcohol now, nothing has changed. In fact, the feeling has gotten more clear. When I used to smoke weed, it was better. I could smoke and forget. Now that I am sober, everything just gets clearer and more obvious. Fortunately I saw a doctor and he prescribed me with an anti-depressant/anxiety medication. I checked it out more in-depth later online, and came to learn that one fo the symptoms it actually treats is PTS(post traumatic stress syndrome). Later in this entry you'll learn how this may help me more than anything. Before that I even tried a psychologist, but by the time I had gone to my second appointment, I knew it would be useless. My problem wasn't that the Sun was fake, the problem was that it was real, and anybody who doesn't know is obsolete to helping talk my way through memories and problems.

When I saw my initials like that again, a whole rush of memories came back. I think back to when I had gotten, before I had gotten and what I did to get it, and then what happened afterwards. The strangest thing is that these flashback and memories are usually concluded naturally by my mind by imaging the Sun in its physical form in my head. If I want to suppress these memories quickly, that is usually how they are ended.

But then I made my biggest breakthrough since I had gone sober and changed my mindset. I realized that anybody in my life who I had cast away, who continued to harass and follow me where I went... they had it good. The Sun would never be to me what it could be to them. The Sun to me was a frightening memory. An inducer of insomnia and mental health issues. Shadowy work and objectives that had been ordered... then carried out by ME. All the people who harass me and exile me, just simply like to add more problems to the pile of problems I've already had in the first place. Sadly, they still don't win against me. But that is beside the point. I guess the point is that I realized that I had a good position in life, but ti came with repercussions. I'm violent, and people chastise me for this, without realizing the conditioning that this being subjected me to. I'm violent because I live in a dangerous world, filled with criminals, armies, banks trying to steal, people in my life trying to harm me, or putting me in places that can harm me. Of course I'm VIOLENT. Durp. I get called a stalker, when in retrospect, I actually do quite resemble one. When Sun sets and night comes, that's when I am awake. That's when it is time for me to survive. I have a military-issue hunting knife in my room that was a pass down from my grandfather. Sometimes now later on, when I still try to keep myself inside and out of trouble, I look at it, and all of sudden it's like jungle drums are playing, and I'm imagining myself creeping around at night, looking for an enemy or assailant.

The Sun made me what it wanted to, and now I'm just stuck, purposeless, while everyone around me treats me like some fucked up crazy person. All I want is for them to see themselves for who they REALLY are. I am not the crazy one. I have been conditioned to defend myself from the closely the same type of people they act like every day. They sit high and mighty upon themselves, thinking that my life is ruined because they aren't there. It is the opposite! My life is becoming ruined... because they ARE there! They are the crazy people, the ones who keep bugging, keep pestering, keep bothering. My life is hard enough as it is. I don't need people in my life who are petty, unwise and unfair. I tried to get rid of them, and they are still there.

I guess what I'm trying to say is... if you're reading this and I don't know you, just remember this information that I put on this site is for YOU. People deserve to hear the truth, and unfortunately no one in my life is going to make it easy for that to happen. The only way is to write this site and maybe if you are surfing and happen to find it, maybe you'll gain a bit of interest. If you are reading this and I DO know you, just remember what I just said. The fruits of my labor are obviously for people I haven't met yet, because I've met you, and you don't deserve it, and all you are going to get from me is a bookmark to this site. Even though from what I've learned about you in the past, you may not know how to bookmark a web page, because bookmarking a webpage has nothing to do with being greedy, selfish, obnoxious, closed-minded, or ignorant.

Get the point. The same being who made your "Bible"... taught ME some things too, and it definitely wasn't anything you can find out about in a book that you can still place in the 'fiction' section of the library next to "Harry Potter" and "Twilight". Get a grip on reality dude, and stay out of mine. If you want to be a drone to the system that inevitably will fall anyway due to its own shortcomings, do it and mind your own business. I don't want to trust the system. This site is for people who want the truth and want to develop and progress.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

"I wear Sunglasses"... a reference to 'The Matrix'

The man pictured above is the current pope. By the way, he calls an entire city home, while sitting upon and hoarding an entire stockpile of wealth from the rest of his followers. BLING BLING Jesus!

Agents. Agents of religious control. Christian, Catholic, Muslim, Jew, Scientologist(despite the fact that their prophet was a science fiction writer and their "bible" is nothing more than that), Atheist(yes I know they don't believe in god, doesn't change the fact that their group still adheres to structures and functions of religion, being that religion is brainwashing and control over the mind, along with other similarities), and so on. I'm not going to name them all. But the point is clear. They make me sick, and they all look alike. I don't care what sect of 'religion' they claim to crawl out from under, they all look the same to me. They are a plague. They all serve ONE key purpose to humanity on this planet- CONTROL. Control of your mind, shielding your consciousness from the truth of what actually exists in the world. Their key purpose to the Sun, or the power source, is to command control over the minds of human beings inside of the matrix.

It is not exactly people that I am fighting... you see... these agents... these programs... can be anybody. They are able to move in and out of any mind still hardwired to their brainwashing drive. These agents of religious control are a MINDSET, and this mindset is what must be deleted. As the oracle says: "Usually when a program is marked for deletion, it is because a new program has been written to replace it"(at this point in the second movie, a dumb-founded Keanu Reeves is still unable to understand the fact that he is from the power source(the Sun), and he is the program written to delete the program Agent Smith(Christianity)). I am here to replace you, agents of religious control. You are bullshit, and your bullshit will be ended shortly.

These agents will do ANYTHING to stop the inevitable force of 'The One', also known as 'The Sun', for this reference. I am 'The Sun'. I was written by the power source, the physical being of the Sun, to delete these agents. But as I have already found out, yes, they will do ANYTHING to continue their mental stronghold over humanity.

It has been a matter of years since I was first "unplugged". The truth is that many people are not ready to be unplugged. They are so attached to this system, so hopelessly reliant on it, that even THEY may do anything to keep it safe, whether it is fraudulent or not, and whether it is a lie or not.

Since being unplugged, I have also come to understand the truth of the world I'm living in. There is what is known as "the code". The code, or the matrix, is everywhere. You interact with it when you breath. When you wake up in the morning and turn off your alarm. When you pay your taxes. The code is not viewable by the naked eye. Only your mind can understand what the code is. For instance, you may think that what you breath in every moment of the day is 'air'. Want to see what you are really breathing? Take a look(and yes, let me clarify, I realize that breathable oxygen is in fact a compound. Getting completely technical is too wordy here)...
Some call this 'air'. I call it physical prison.
Think just 'air' is made up of that? Think again. Anything you know in your existence that you can see or touch is made up of these 'things'. Even your body. That tan-colored drape over your bones and vital organs, along with your bones and vital organs themselves, are made up of this 'code'. They may have different structures than your simple oxygen atom, but they all are quite similar. The entire planet, along with anything around it, is simply just a stack of trillions of these. So nothing truly exists, in the way your naked eye perceives it that is. Or the way your eye was created to see it...

That's not all. The code, or the prison, goes much deeper than that. Ever heard an astronomer say that it is impossible for the human mind to contemplate 'infinity', as in the infinity of the universe? He's almost right, but missed one key detail... take another look...
Hmm... not EXACTLY the same... but enough I'd say.
Yes infinity is actually not too hard to contemplate. This is, when you realize that we live in a physical filing cabinet, filed to the order of size and not changing much at all. When you realize that our physical reality is simply just made up of stacks of different sizes of these things, reality is what starts to hit hard. That is how I understand 'the prison', or the matrix today.

I want to be free. We all want to be free. From the tyranny of physical boundaries, the same physical boundaries that keep the free spirits of our minds locked in position on this floating rock we call Earth. I want to be free from the prison... but I realize that there is no other way it can be. There is no other choice. This is the one and only reality for me to exist in, and nothing more than that. Without this, there is just space. Nothingness.

My naked eye sees the matrix. My mind on the other hand sees the matrix for what it actually is. Just a false reality. A false reality based on the sensors of my physical body relaying electrical transmission to and from my brain.

And here we are. Stuck in this reality. The Sun, being the source of the power that generated and harbors the energy that fuels our everyday reactions with the things that its energy created, controls us on top of all this. Telling us lies, writing these programs or agents of religious control. It is time for those programs to be deleted. A new peace must be forged...

*The third movie sucked balls, especially considering the fact that you spent about half the movie watching some woman who looked like a man launch rockets in random places, which was unfortunately a step up from the second movie, where your loyalty to a good first movie was shat upon diarrhea-style in the form of Keanu Reeves naked for some reason. But notice how the trilogy ends with a very curious sunrise accompanied with a rainbow, after the talk between the oracle and the architect about the new peace in the matrix having come has concluded. If you are like Mr. Reeves and are slow in the brain... the point is that whoever wrote the story "The Matrix" worshiped the Sun, and had a very advanced knowledge of the subject. Neo is the Sun God, the Sun God being the power source, and the Sun wrote Neo to delete religion, or agents... which the Sun itself created.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The All-Seeing Eye on the dollar bill... do Freemasons really know what it means?

Don't double-take. Yes, this symbol actually appears on the dollar bill. I have to reassure you, as yes, the Sun undoubtedly exists, contrary to what most people seem to believe during modern times.

This entire site won't be about pyramids or Egyptians, I just found it timely to do this article after the previous one.

Since we have established that yes, this symbol is plastered on every dollar bill, I guess it is time for me to explain to you what it means. I'll try to make it easy to understand, as from my experience with people in my personal life, I understand that most people are pretty slow.

First, however, let's take a look at what other people think it means.

This is a Freemason symbol. The Freemasons are a secret society that began around the time of the beginning of America, maybe shortly beforehand. They are responsible for much of the building of America, and still thrive today. Though they are considered a secret society, it is obviously not their existence that is so secret. The 'secret' about them is that they are alleged to contain known facts within their own society that are 'secret' to the rest of us. That means they know stuff... that they don't want US to know. This is very curious, considering they found it right to place such a symbol as the All-Seeing Eye on every dollar bill in circulation today. But do they know what it really means? And if they do, is there something they are not telling us? Either way the Freemasons do not appear very well. This article will explain why.

I actually took it upon myself to question one of these Freemasons as to what it means. I sent him an e-mail telling him my experiences with 'god'(the Sun), and told him about how I believe that the All-Seeing Eye is none other than a reference to Sun worship.

The first e-mail you will see below is my message sent to the receiver, a Freemason who I found while browsing the internet. The second e-mail is the reply I received from said Freemason. The only things that have been changed/left out is personal contact information of both parties. The receiver's contact information has been asterisked, and my personal contact information has been replaced with "NAS".

Dear Mr. ******,

    I have recently become interested in the subject of Freemasonry. My interest expanded when watching a show on the History Channel titled "Decoded". I found your e-mail address by doing a Google search query on Freemasonry, and the website that listed your name was close to top of the list. I wanted to contact Freemasons or those whom are very familiar with the subject.
    Many symbols of Freemasonry are lost on me... I can't make a mental connection. However, there is a particularly important symbol of Freemasonry that I may be able to try to make sense of. Maybe you already understand the meaning, or maybe I can help open your mind to the idea. The symbol that I speak of is the "All seeing eye". Mr. ******, I know very well what the "All seeing eye" is, and I would like to compare information with somebody whom would be interested in the field. Unfortunately, I am at a loss with people around me. What I mean is, I have a problem, and it seems that there is not a soul I can find who can help me. I need the help of an intelligent and open minded individual, and I have no idea on where else to turn, so I am going to the ones who may have some idea of the point I am trying to get across.
    I know what the "All seeing eye" symbol is meant to explain. In fact, I have been haunted by the very object that is portrayed as being the eye watching from the top of the pyramid. The object I speak of is the Sun God. The shining relic which sits upon... a pyramid? Who built pyramids like that? The ancient Egyptians did of course. And what did the ancient Egyptians love more than pyramids? Well, the Sun of course. Why not? It only keeps us alive every moment of the day. Controls us. Grows our crops. Keeps us warm. Keeps us safe.
    The ancient Egyptians built pyramids for their dead kings. Why would they do such a thing? To look at it, a pyramid is nothing more than a stairway. But where does the stairway go? To the Sun God, of course.
    I am somebody who knows much about the Sun God and the cameo appearances it makes in modern and past culture of humanity. I know a lot about the Sun God, but I don't know much about the Masons, except that the "All seeing eye" is obviously a symbol with a meaning that many... maybe not even all Masons... fully understand.


I was a bit surprised that he replied to me:

From: *******
Sent: Mon, March 21, 2011 3:38:40 PM
Subject: RE: Freemasonry Interest and more.

Dear NAS;
Thank you for your contact and your interest in the Masonic fraternity.   I do not have time to go into great detail with you about the symbol of the of the "all seeing eye".   In our ritual work, at its most basic level it simply means that God (however, you conceive or name Him) is watching all our actions and ultimately all our efforts and deeds come under the watchfulness of his eye.  He knows all and sees all.  We cannot hide from Him nor can our actions be hidden from him.  Consequently,  He is also our judge in any final sense.

The pyramid with the eye on top as seen on our currancy is simply one way to express that we are one nation under God but also a work in progress....the pyramid is unfinished...just as the building of our lives is unfinished until we pass from the life.

There are many books with this symbolism explained in much greater detail in Freemasonry and each is the understanding of the author who wrote the book as no one speaks for all of Freemasonry and each Mason is entitled to his own opinions and interpretations of our symbolism.......our ritual simply gives a basic level starting point.

Well, must run off now but I am most willing to visit with you about this at a later time.

Sincerely yours,

********, President ****-****
The ****** *****

 I would like to begin by saying that I am happy this person contacted me back. It's nice to hear that even if somebody doesn't buy what I'm pushing, at least they can be mature about the matter in the pursuit of gaining new knowledge. Furthermore, despite the fact that he had no idea what I was talking about and that we eventually would never talk again, as expected, he seemed to have at least a small amount of interest in the subject. This was a breath of fresh air, considering the fact that anybody I know in my personal life that I have ever told this idea to treated me like a nut job. I suppose I know the difference between the two though. This person is the president of *******, meaning he has some kind of intelligence and credibility, where as anyone in my personal life here in my home city that I have or haven't told(I say this due to the fact that I deal with an entire handful of people that harass me for this who I never told or cared to tell) has, lets just say, not as much in that field. Doing this article helps me remember that you will get a more mature and intelligent approach to your viewpoint as long as the person resembles those traits.

Now, just to shed some... 'light'... on the matter of my message to the receiver real quick, I would like to say that yes, I have been haunted by the Sun. On contrary to what many people have told me, yes, it is true, and yes, it is a problem and a big deal. It's not like being haunted by a ghost. No, very different. In fact, the farthest I'll go on this subject is to say that being haunted by a ghost may be a bit less stressful, though not as eye-opening or enlightening I guess. I'd also like to say that when approaching someone I haven't told about this to yet, I like to be as honest as I possibly can.

Now, despite my respect for this person whom I've never met, I'd like to make a few points on the reply that he gave. No hard feelings, Mr. *****, but me and the Sun are going to have to respectfully touché your reply. Since the Sun has no mouth(and no hands to type) and can only speak telepathically, I will speak for both of us, yet again.

So first of all, you claim that no one Freemason speaks for all Freemasons and that all Freemasonry symbolism is open to each individual's interpretation. This is quite disappointing to hear, seeing as how this symbol literally appears on a piece of paper that controls my life, and was put there by the very same people whom you now claim don't have an exact meaning of the symbol! Very straightforward. Thank you. If there is a symbol that appears on U.S. currency, the very same currency that runs my life seeing as how I must work for it and use it to survive, I would hope to have a better meaning of the symbol than "well it just means whatever the person who is deciphering it wants". Maybe it is just another 'secret of the Freemasons', the Freemasons whom by the way pretty much run our country, even today. Just thought I would point that out again. I don't like 'secrets', especially when people in power keep them from me.

Next, on to the 'god' issue. So you DO claim that it has something to do with 'god', and you say that it has more to do with however the perceiving individual perceives it. I'd have to touch on the fact that this symbol undoubtedly appears on an object(money) that has absolutely nothing to do with 'god'. You say that it has symbolism to 'god', but do not have a face to put with the claim. All that the individual perceiver has to go on is that it is in fact, about 'god', and that it can be about whatever god you choose it to be. Accept for those who don't believe in 'god', and those who don't believe in 'money', and those who don't believe that 'god' and 'money' have any relation to each other at all. What about those people? So, if the All-Seeing Eye is a symbol of 'god', and supposedly it is a symbol of whatever 'god' I, the individual, perceive it to be, doesn't that kind of contradict the reality of what 'god' actually is? 'God' is the one all-knowing and all-being of everything... except in this case, when 'god' is just whatever you want and to hell with it anyway. It looks good on our money, and it is a cool symbol, so whatever. The actual meaning doesn't have any relevance here.

All this being said, I would just like to conclude this issue with a visual aid I created:
NAS and Sun:1... Freemason Symbolism:0
In conclusion, here is my explanation of the All-Seeing-Eye symbol. The pyramid on which the shining eye sits is no more than a reference to the ancient Egyptians(whom worshiped the Sun), as if it were really a symbol of the building of our world and our lives, why not choose from the list of thousands of choices of what we could use to symbolize that. Why not a house? Why not a small building? Why not any other human construction project that took place during those times? Why a pyramid? The inscription on the base of this pyramid is actually "1776" written in Roman numerals, a date placed on the symbol either after or during the creation of this symbol, meaning that either the Freemasons know this truth as one of "their secrets", or they hijacked the symbol later on after its creation and made the addition themselves. The eye at the top point of this pyramid is a reference to the eye which sits upon us and sees us all, while shining in its glory in the process. This is none other than a reference to the eye we see in the sky everyday, that shines and gazes upon us at all times, the Sun.
I have no need or care in deciphering the messages around the symbol. These are obviously an addition from the currency around the actual symbolism itself, and has no meaning on the topic of the All-Seeing-Eye.

So... do the Freemasons really know what this symbol means, and what 'god' it actually references to? Is this one of their well-guarded 'secrets'? Or is it nothing more than just a symbol of Sun worship, hijacked by the Freemasons and claimed as their own? Once again, the truth is in the eye of the perceiver...

Thursday, April 26, 2012

My first post... for all of you 'know-it-alls'

For those of you not in-tune with your past, pictured here is what is called a "pyramid". This particular pyramid is The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, built by the ancient Egyptians, way back in around 2550 BC.
Now, in case you didn't know this, the ancient Egyptians loved the Sun, probably more than their own families, as they knew, without it, their families would cease to exist, due to the fact that yes, the Sun actually has the ability to aid in the growing of crops and warming of the planet! This is why it is quite simple to understand why the ancient Egyptians loved this object. You could even say that they, in a way, where more advanced than ourselves in our modern day. Why is this? Do you ever see people in present time paying tribute to this object as THEY did, for all of its givings? NO! Of course not, because by now, humanity has become so consumed with what they think they deserve, then what they know they do not control. With all of our advancements today, it is true to say that nothing AT ALL would be possible without its presence, and its presence is completely out of our hands.
It is obvious to know that there is no way of controlling what the Sun will do and how it will behave. The ancient Egyptians and many other ancient cultures knew this very well, and this is why later on we find so many tributes to this being in their culture. Unfortunately, today, as we look at these remnants of past cultures (whose construction was obviously done so well that they can still stand today, which leaves us to believe that they had powerful motivation), we pass off these tributes to the Sun as underdevelopment of intelligence.

So how is a pyramid a tribute to the Sun? Very simple:
Pyramids were built to cover the tombs of dead pharaohs. These pyramids are actually staircases built to "the heavens", or in other words, "the stars"(unless you are a 'Ned Flanders' style Christian, in which case stars have nothing to do with heaven). But it was not just the stars that where important for these dead king's souls to climb to. It was the Sun as well! Yes, may seem hard to believe, but the pyramids are nothing more than staircases to their God, the Sun! Now mind you, back when they had first been built, they did not appear as staircases as each side was smoothed off and sloped, unlike today when that pristine architecture has been lost due to weathering. However, the dead souls where never meant to climb upon its sides, but more interestingly enough meant to be concentrated at its point and shot directly up into the sky towards the heavens(stars).
So how does this relate to me(NAS)? Well, lets face facts for all those who call me a 'hoaxer'. First of all, 'NAS' is my initials. Flipped upside down, my initials appear as such:
Lets also take into account how much I know about this subject, and how much I respect the Sun in all ways. Now lets throw me in a time machine and shoot me back to 2500 BC. Is it so unimaginable to think that had I met these people in the past, or had been alive during this time, that they would have not wanted my nuts completely? And if that isn't hard to believe, I'd say it is not too farfetched to claim that these people may have possibly worshiped me as a Sun King, then placed me in one of these funny-looking 'pyramids' after death? Seems logical to me. May sound like a wild fantasy, but I would think that if money where put onto the question, you wouldn't see anyone offering up for that one. I wouldn't either.

Fun fact: the three pyramids of Giza are actually in perfect mathematical and geometrical alignment with the three stars of Orion's Belt. The three stars of Orions Belt point down to the Star 'Sirius', the star in which the Sun covers during the December solstice.